Vacation Bible School 2016

Join us for Vacation Bible School

Cowabunga Farm Vacation Bible School

5 Days of Great Lessons

The Vacation Bible School students will experience life on the farm—complete with animals, tractors, and growing crops. As they learn about God’s faithfulness as revealed in the life of Joseph, they’ll be encouraged to grow in godliness and to trust in God’s plan.

Day 1

God Is Good: Trust His Plan – God wants us to show our trust in Him by being obedient to Him.

Day 2

God Is with You: Serve Faithfully – God is with us even when our circumstances are hard.

Day 3

God Is in Control: Remain True to God – God is in control and working out His plan in His time.

Day 4

God Convicts of Sin: Ask for God’s Forgiveness – God convicts us of our sins and stands ready to forgive us.

Day 5

God Is Good: Trust His Plan – God’s plan is trustworthy because God is good all the time.

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