King’s June 2016 Prayer Letter
Steve and Gayle King
Missionaries to Côte d’Ivoire, West Africa
U.S.A. number: 570-906-8443; E-mail:
Dear Praying Friends,
We give praise to God for His grace and mercy in allowing us to continue the ministry He has called us to do. What a great God He is, and it is a privilege to share His Word with others!
Steve finished his Bible Institute course on preaching, and Pastor Emmanuel is teaching the last class on an Introduction to Missions, Evangelism, and Discipleship. Next Saturday we will be having a luncheon for the students, their wives, and the counsel members. It is always nice to have some fun times outside of the classroom to celebrate the ending of another year.
I (Gayle) will be starting to teach literacy to ladies in my neighborhood. God recently put this burden on my heart to teach this again. I was reminded of two ladies, Agnes and Eunice, who could not read well but their husbands were in the Bible Institute studying to be a pastor. They took literacy classes, and now they both teach the children in Sunday School and women as well. My goal for these classes is to have an outreach to share the Gospel. Please pray next Thursday as we meet in our home to discuss the best time and day for these classes.
In February Fundamental Baptist Church in Sotref called Pastor Didier to be the pastor of the church. The song leader still introduces Steve the senior pastor and Didier the assistant, but this church is now gone to the next step of being independent. This Sunday a married couple will be baptized, and we will be having an AGAPE supper. Please pray for these believers and for the funds needed to help them build their church building. They purchased the property and redid some small rooms where the pastor’s family lives; later it will be used for the children’s ministry. Please pray with us to help this church with these needed funds.
One of our goals is to spend time mentoring graduates of the Bible Institute who are beginning new church plants. On June 24th Steve will be traveling to a rural area near Danané with Pastor Rodrigue and maybe some others to visit Pastor Williams and his wife Yolande. They began their church and also have bible studies in 3 other nearby villages. In the village of Féapleu, they began with an Evangelization on March 28 and started bible studies in the living room of the village chief. Today the Bible class has 15 people with a church building, benches made of bamboo, and 4 students in the Center of Training for Pastors and Leaders. They also have 2 candidates for the baptism. It’s exiting!
Please pray for another exciting opportunity to host the Basketball Camp outreach this year at the Benjy Youth Center from July 21 – 29. Coach Neal Ring, head coach from Bob Jones University is coming for his 3rd year and joining him is a BJU student, Will Barron. Also joining them are Dave Ferguson, Vice President in charge of special events of BMM, and Pastor Ryan Owen, BMM missionary to Ghana. Our pastors here are preparing for this means to meet these youth, have the opportunity to share God’s Word with them, and do follow up afterwards.
Thank you for your prayers for my health. Since returning to Africa, I have not had any major skin issues, just a small rash from time to time when I am overheated. It helps that we are in raining season and the air is much cooler. Pray also for Anna. She is in her final year at school and will be having final exams – oral & written. This is really difficult and she will appreciate your prayers.
Thanks for your prayers for us and for the ministry here.
Serving Christ with you,
Steve and Gayle
Baptist Mid-Mission: PO Box 308011 Cleveland, OH 44130-8011Address in Africa: 01 BP 2152 San Pédro 01 Côte d’Ivoire, W Africa Sending Church: Hope Baptist Church 6450 Hope Way Hanover, PA 17331 |
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