Seeing Christ in the Jewish Feasts
We’re starting a new 6 week study, Seeing Christ in the Jewish Feasts. There are a number of feasts mentioned in the bible, do you have any idea of their significance?
Many of us do not understand the history and meaning of Jewish holidays, even though several of the stories are told in our Old Testament. What are the various Feast Days, and what does each represent? How have Jewish people celebrated them over the ages? Are the traditions carry any weight for Christians today?
The six sessions in this course are about the most holy Feast Days in Judaism. We’ll learn about the historic traditions of the Jewish faith and the editors, drawing from New Testament passages show how Jesus is revealed and revered in these holidays.
These lessons are sure to be a topic of discussion over the next 6 weeks, so why not join us as we study Seeing Christ in the Jewish Feasts.
Sunday School starts at 9:45 AM.