Stampede to ROAR

RoarStampede to ROAR Vacation Bible School at Capitol Allentown Baptist Ministries on July 15-17, 2019! Kids will bravely go on a memorable journey from Egypt to the wilderness with the Israelites, as they learn about Pharaoh, the plagues, and the power of God. Get ready for a Wild Bible Adventure where children find their inner courage and pride while playing games and making crafts on our spiritual safari. Don’t miss this mane event where we “give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His faithful love endures forever.” (Psalm 106:1)

Wait a minute, though……let’s take a paws. Hear that joyful noise? It’s more ROAR coming your way. Vacation Bible School’s so great we’re doing a Closing Program on Sunday, July 21. Join us on the Lord’s Day so we can celebrate our youth’s accomplishments over the week. After our fun-filled adventure, we’ll halt and exalt the King of Kings!

“The wicked run away when no is chasing them, but the godly are as bold as lions.”

Proverbs 28:1


     Monday, July 15 – Wednesday, July 17, 2019

     6:00 PM Dinner will be served

     7 PM – 9 PM Vacation Bible School Program

     Capitol Allentown Baptist Church

     7911 Allentown Road

     Ft. Washington, Md. 20744

Parents are asked to arrive early on Monday (5:30) to register

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